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  • Fantasy Basho

Nagoya 2024 Day Five

Public League Leaderboard

Scores from Fantasizr.

Yusho Arasoi

5 Wins

01 Yokozuna East Terunofuji

4 Wins

16 Maegashira #4 East Tobizaru

19 Maegashira #5 West Shonannoumi

26 Maegashira #9 East Oshoma

27 Maegashira #9 West Tamawashi

36 Maegashira #14 East Wakatakakage

Notable Maneuvers

Okurinage. Abi did his usual start, pushing against Atamifuji. To stop it, Atamifuji tried to go sideways, but ended up showing his back to Abi. The Sekiwake showed his ring smarts by grabbing the back of Atamifuji's mawashi and winning with a rear throw.

Match of the Day

02 Ozeki #1 East Kotozakura versus 13 Maegashira #2 West Mitakeumi

Mitakeumi actually got the slightly better position on Kotozakura at the start. As he is wont to do, the current Ozeki held his feet and began to turn the match on the former Ozeki. But Mitakeumi didn't immediately go backwards. Instead, Kotozakura had to turn him around, and went for the throw at the edge. Remarkably, Mitakeumi kept himself up longer while being thrown. Kotozakura's elbow went down first. Although a mono-ii was called, the gyoji's decision was upheld.


Terunofuji took all Gonoyama could give him, but then still sent the Takekuma man backwards and out for a simple yorikiri. So here the Yokozuna sits, undefeated and leading the yusho race after one-third of the basho. He is also not working too hard or stressing his lower body. Terunofuji is winning, but maybe more importantly he does not seem to be struggling at all.

Also, his margin for error grew a little bit on Day Five. Kotozakura, Kirishima, and Ura were all 3-1 wrestlers in the upper part of the Banzuke coming into Day Five. Then they all lost. None of them were awful losses. Mitakeumi outmaneuvered Kotozakura, Onosato handled Kirishima, and Takakeisho overpowered Ura. While those losses individually weren't bad, they were signs that anyone in the joi can beat anyone else. The exception may just be the Yokozuna.

Outside the top of the Banzuke, there are five rikishi on 4-1 records. None were exactly yusho favorites 6 days ago. Tobizaru and Tamawashi are veterans who were looking to rebound from losing records. Shonannoumi and Oshoma are fairly new to Makuuchi, and both are trying to build off strong bashos in May. None of those four were exactly ideal candidates to pile up wins. Perhaps former Sekiwake and Yusho winner Wakatakakage isn't a big surprise on the early leaderboard, but he's also in his first basho back in the top division after a long comeback from injury.

Terunofuji is continuing the usual pattern of matches for a sole Yokozuna. That means he will see Maegashira #4 East Tobizaru. Perhaps Tobizaru can draw Terunofuji back. Like with most rikishi, Tobizaru has a losing record to Terunofuji. He does also have two career gold stars against him. Yet a Terunofuji win just keeps the distance between him and any other contenders.

It is Day Five, and lots can happen over ten days of sumo. Terunofuji has nothing locked down. The real story is that everyone else in Makuuchi seems likely to drop a match they shouldn't on any day. The Ozeki are hivering around even in the first week. Onosato is struggling for the first time in his Makuuchi career. Kirishima is on two straight losses. And Terunofuji just keeps winning.

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