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Aki 2024 Rikishi Preview

The Aki basho is just around the corner, and you can still sign up on Fantasizr for the Fantasy Basho game. But while you decide on your first lineup, enjoy this preview of all 42 Makuuchi rikishi.


01 Yokozuna East Terunofuji

Terunofuji Haruo | 照ノ富士 春雄

Isegahama | Mongolia

Birthdate: November 29, 1991

Height: 192 cm | 6' 4""

Weight: 174 kg | 384 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Yokozuna East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 12-3, Yusho

Well, he can still win a yusho when he gets in enough shape to mount the dohyo. Terunofuji didn't sweep aside all comers, as a 12-3 Playoff Yusho is good more than dominant. His creakiness was on display occasionally, but the Yokozuna's strength is also quite present and useful against pretty much every other rikishi. We're still waiting on someone to take the Yokozuna mantle from him.

02 Ozeki East Kotozakura

Kotozakura Masahiro | 琴櫻 傑太

Sadogatake | Chiba

Birthdate: November 19, 1997

Height: 189 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 176 kg | 388 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Ozeki #1 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 10-5

Kotozakura's 10-5 is solid and respectable for an Ozeki. Yet it also feels like a bit of a disappointment, since he lost three straight matches after starting 8-2 to be in the thick of the yusho race. His massive fundamental-ness leads to wins but not dominance. Dominance is the missing ingredient.

03 Ozeki West Hoshoryu

Hoshoryu Tomokatsu | 豊昇龍 智勝

Tatsunami | Mongolia

Birthdate: May 22, 1999

Height: 188 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 142 kg | 313 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Ozeki #1 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-4-2

Hoshoryu was on the edge of the yusho race due to a couple ofbad losses (Atamifuji and Gonoyama, good rikishi an Ozeki should beat). But then he pulled out with an injury on Day 13. So he wound up with 9 wins and another basho where he didn't quite do what he could. Putting it all together is still in Hoshoryu's future, if it's going to happen.

04 Sekiwake #1 East Abi

Abi Masatora | 阿炎 政虎

Shikoroyama | Saitama

Birthdate: May 4, 1994

Height: 186 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 158 kg | 348 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Sekiwake #1 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Abi held onto his Sekiwake rank with eight wins. It wasn't pretty, the eight included a fused on day two over Takayasu, but a winning record is a winning record. He's also basically been a guy who can handle Sanyaku recently, so he could do okay at Aki.

05 Sekiwake #1 West Onosato

Onosato Daiki | 大の里 泰輝

Nishonoseki | Ishikawa

Birthdate: June 7, 2000

Height: 192 cm | 6' 4""

Weight: 177 kg | 390 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Sekiwake #1 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6; Shukun-Sho

9 wins, including one over the lone Yokozuna, and a Special Prize in a Sekiwake debut is impressive. That was somewhat overshadowed by Onosato's 34 wins in his previous 3 basho, but he still is on track to be a future star of the sport. And that future could start very, very soon.

06 Sekiwake #2 East Kirishima

Kirishima Tetsuo | 霧島 鐵雄

Otowayama | Mongolia

Birthdate: April 24, 1996

Height: 186 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 143 kg | 315 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Sekiwake #2 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Kirishima did not get the 10 wins he needed to immediately return to Ozeki. Instead, he managed 8 for a kachi-koshi, which means he keeps his Sekiwake rank for September. He does need to earn back the Ozeki rank the hard way, which is likely an uphill battle even if he can stay at Sanyaku for awhile.

07 Sekiwake #2 West Takakeisho

Takakeisho Takanobu | 貴景勝 貴信

Tokiwayama | Hyogo

Birthdate: August 5, 1996

Height: 175 cm | 5' 9""

Weight: 165 kg | 364 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Ozeki #2 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 5-10

Takakeisho crashed out of the Ozeki ranks with five wins in Nagoya. Clearly, he is not who he used to be, with injuries sapping his strength and power. So take this moment to remember the Takakeisho who was a three-time yusho winner and a terrifying pushing threat to any other rikishi.

08 Komusubi East Daieisho

Daieisho Hayato | 大栄翔 勇人

Oitekaze | Saitama

Birthdate: November 10, 1993

Height: 182 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 164 kg | 362 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Komusubi East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Daieisho kept crusing along, but 8-7 was on the low end for Sanyaku in Nagoya. He keeps his named-rank status, and he still has the chance of being in yusho contention. At the very least, Daieisho crashing down the banzuke feels like exceedingly unlikely.

09 Komusubi West Hiradoumi

Hiradoumi Yuki | 平戸海 雄貴

Sakaigawa | Nagasaki

Birthdate: April 20, 2000

Height: 177 cm | 5' 10""

Weight: 135 kg | 298 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Komusubi West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 10-5; Gino-Sho

Hiradoumi made his Sanyaku debut in style, earning 10 wins and a technique prize after starting 0-2. He is undersized for a top-level rikishi and he hasn't ever really dominated, but apparently he is just getting better as he moves up the banzuke. His sumo is simple, he gets low at the tachiai and goes in on an opponent, but it's effective and he knows how to do it.

10 Maegashira #1 East Takanosho

Takanosho Nobuaki | 隆の勝 伸明

Tokiwayama | Chiba

Birthdate: November 14, 1994

Height: 183 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 170 kg | 375 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #6 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 12-3; Jun-Yusho; Kanto-Sho

Takanosho had the surprise basho of Nagoya. His 12-3 was his bets record since March 2020, and he got his third Jun-Yusho after qualifying for a playoff. He hasn't been great recently, but he's a former Sekiwake who is not yet 30. A repeat would be tough, but a strong performance could still happen.

11 Maegashira #1 West Tobizaru

Tobizaru Masaya | 翔猿 正也

Oitekaze | Tokyo

Birthdate: April 24, 1992

Height: 174 cm | 5' 9""

Weight: 135 kg | 298 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #4 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6

The Flying Monkey got a 9-6 right on the joi-jin line, which sends him up towards the edge of Sanyaku. That's a strange position for Tobizaru, because he's undermatched against everyone. He's also a wild rikishi capable of doing many different things as well as pulling off an upset semi-occasionally.

12 Maegashira #2 East Atamifuji

Atamifuji Sakutaro | 熱海富士 朔太郎

Isegahama | Shizuoka

Birthdate: September 3, 2002

Height: 185 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 176 kg | 388 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #1 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 7-8

Atamifuji is now on his fifth basho of being at the top of the joi, without having made a breakthrough into the Sanyaku ranks. That is a little less disappointing when you consider he turns 22 just before the Aki basho. He is still young, absolutely immense, and shockingly powerful. When he takes the next step up, he is a Sanyaku man with a good chance at Ozeki.

13 Maegashira #2 West Oho

Oho Konosuke | 王鵬 幸之介

Otake | Tokyo

Birthdate: February 14, 2000

Height: 190 cm | 6' 3""

Weight: 179 kg | 395 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #6 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6

Oho spent much of Nagoya on the outer rim of the yusho race, but never really threatened to jump into it. He had his usual even blend of techniques, but was able to win more than he lost rather than get befuddled. Maegashira #6 to Maegashira #2 is a crucial jump that gives him a new career high rank and provides a test.

14 Maegashira #3 East Mitakeumi

Mitakeumi Hisashi | 御嶽海 久司

Dewanoumi | Nagano

Birthdate: December 25, 1992

Height: 179 cm | 5' 10""

Weight: 170 kg | 375 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #2 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 7-8

MItakeumi handled Maegashira #2, although he also got a bare losing record in Nagoya. He is at the canny veteran stage of his career, lacking the athleticism and power of his yusho-winning peak. Nonetheless, he knows what he is doing out there and can exploit an opening. He'll be hanging around the kach-koshi/make-koshi line at a minimum.

15 Maegashira #3 West Wakamotoharu

Wakamotoharu Minato | 若元春 港

Arashio | Fukushima

Birthdate: October 5, 1993

Height: 187 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 147 kg | 324 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #2 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 6-9

Wakamotoharu only managed a 6-9 after falling out of Sanyaku due to an injury plagued May. That's less than desirable, but he now sits further from the top of the Banzuke and has another two months of health. Mid-Maegashira should watch out for the Arashio man, because he's certainly always going to give his all.

16 Maegashira #4 East Shodai

Shodai Naoya | 正代 直也

Tokitsukaze | Kumamoto

Birthdate: November 5, 1991

Height: 184 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 161 kg | 355 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #10 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 10-5

Shodai somehow compiled 10 wins in Nagoya, vaulting him 6 ranks to Maegashira #4. He is a former Ozeki whose skills still show up, but his quickness and power are about 90% of where they were at his peak. That is enough to make a big difference, and he is in a position to theoretically face everyone above him. This could be ugly. Or not, because Shodai.

17 Maegashira #4 West Kotoshoho

Kotoshoho Yoshinari | 琴勝峰 吉成

Sadogatake | Chiba

Birthdate: August 26, 1999

Height: 191 cm | 6' 3""

Weight: 161 kg | 355 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #7 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Kotoshoho's bare kachi-koshi still shot him up the rankings a bit, because there weren't a lot of better record immediately ahead of him. Just turned 25, he is now entering his prime. But what he really needs is a kind of consistency from match to match he has rarely shown.

18 Maegashira #5 East Ura

Ura Kazuki | 宇良 和輝

Kise | Osaka

Birthdate: June 22, 1992

Height: 175 cm | 5' 9""

Weight: 143 kg | 315 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #4 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 6-9

Ura's 6-9 didn't diminish The Pink One's enthusiasm or spirit, but it did show his sumo wasn't at his best. He is an inventive wrestler, but sometimes he goes for too much inventiveness and gets blown apart. His demotion means he might see some opponents who haven't been on his dance card recently.

19 Maegashira #5 West Shonannoumi

Shonannoumi Momotaro | 湘南乃海 桃太郎

Takadagawa | Kanagawa

Birthdate: April 8, 1998

Height: 193 cm | 6' 4""

Weight: 186 kg | 410 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #5 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 7-8

Shonannoumi has made himself a solid mid-Maegashira thanks to big and smart. His problem is he doesn't have the athleticism to dominate, especially against the top of the Banzuke. But he is an extremely tough out for any opponent.

20 Maegashira #6 East Meisei

Meisei Chikara | 明生 力

Tatsunami | Kagashima

Birthdate: July 24, 1995

Height: 180 cm | 5' 11""

Weight: 154 kg | 340 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #1 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 4-11

Meisei once again had a disastrous basho while in the joi. He seems to be the best current example of good-rikishi-but-not-good-enough-to-beat-the-very-best. A significant demotion definitely helps his chances of getting a decent win total, but he also needs to get his sumo back on track at the start of the basho.

21 Maegashira #6 West Gonoyama

Gonoyama Toki | 豪ノ山 登輝

Takekuma | Osaka

Birthdate: April 7, 1998

Height: 177 cm | 5' 10""

Weight: 154 kg | 340 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #3 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 5-10

Gonoyama sprang into Makuuchi with the kind of performances that landed him in upper Maegashira. He got rocked back from that perch, and now he's fallen well out of the joi with a 5-10. He could be dangerous for any opponent because of his quick tachiai and relentless pushing.

22 Maegashira #7 East Wakatakakage

Wakatakakage Atsushi | 若隆景 渥

Arashio | Fukushima

Birthdate: December 6, 1994

Height: 182 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 132 kg | 291 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #14 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 11-4

Wakatakakage made a glorious return to Makuuchi after a knee injury in March 2023. His 11-4 put him in the yusho race, and what's more is he looked like his almost-Ozeki self. Whether he can get anywhere near that rank again will be down to how consistent he can be moving forward. But the undersized, never-give-up rikishi is back.

23 Maegashira #7 West Churanoumi

Churanoumi Yoshihisa | 美ノ海 義久

Kise | Okinawa

Birthdate: May 6, 1993

Height: 176 cm | 5' 9""

Weight: 130 kg | 287 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #12 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 10-5

Churanoumi went 10-5 in Nagoya, after going a combined 31-29 in his previous 4 Makuuchi basho. It's probably a safer bet to guess he'll be around .500 again. Still, here's a guy who knows what he should do out there, which is mostly pushing but not so much he can only win one way.

24 Maegashira #8 East Endo

Endo Shota | 遠藤 聖大

Oitekaze | Ishikawa

Birthdate: October 19, 1990

Height: 184 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 150 kg | 331 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #14 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 10-5

Is Endo back? Well, certainly as a Makuuchi wrestler. Endo spent the last part of 2023 and the first part of 2024 looking lost. Then he went 12-3 in Juryo in May and managed 10 wins back in Makuuchi. He is a 33 year old with a less than encouraging injury history, but few rikishi have ever had his range of skills and if he's feeling alright he can be good still.

25 Maegashira #8 West Midorifuji

Midorifuji Kazunari | 翠富士 一成

Isegahama | Shizuoka

Birthdate: August 30, 1996

Height: 171 cm | 5' 7""

Weight: 116 kg | 256 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #10 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Midorifuji got 8 wins in Nagoya without a single Katsukashi! That's certainly worthy of note, especially as Midorifuji typically finds himself unable to be tricky enough to beat much bigger opponents. And at 5'7"", everyone else is bigger, so that is worth watching.

26 Maegashira #9 East Ichiyamamoto

Ichiyamamoto Daiki | 一山本 大生

Hanaregoma | Hokkaido

Birthdate: October 1, 1993

Height: 187 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 144 kg | 317 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #11 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

All Ichiyamamoto matches feel the same, as he flings his arms wildly at an opponent who is usually bigger than he is. This approach is fun, but produces mixed results. He won one more match than he lost last basho and will be looking for the same this time.

27 Maegashira #9 West Oshoma

Oshoma Degi | 欧勝馬 出気

Naruto | Mongolia

Birthdate: April 9, 1997

Height: 187 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 132 kg | 291 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #9 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 7-8

Oshoma was one of the surprises of May and then had a 7-8 in Nagoya. So it goes. He's a bit odd as a big guy who seems extremely willing to sidestep opponents. It's made him a solid Maegashira.

28 Maegashira #10 East Tamawashi

Tamawashi Ichiro | 玉鷲 一朗

Kataonami | Mongolia

Birthdate: November 16, 1984

Height: 189 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 174 kg | 384 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #9 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 7-8

A non-disaster basho from Tamawashi means he enters the Kyushu tournament as a 40 year old, equaling a record of countryman Kyokutenho in modern times. There's a great chance he even goes in strong since his heavy push to the throat still works pretty well.

29 Maegashira #10 West Roga

Roga Tokiyoshi | 狼雅 外喜義

Futagoyama | Russia

Birthdate: March 2, 1999

Height: 185 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 154 kg | 340 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #15 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6

Roga got a 9-6 to place him as a clear Maegashira, but his potential to shoot further up the Banzuke is still an open question. He is 25, with good size, but also has never dominated as a Sektori. He is on the extreme end of grapplers, which means he latches on and generally gives a good fight. He just needs to find a higher gear.

30 Maegashira #11 East Sadanoumi

Sadanoumi Takashi | 佐田の海 貴士

Sakaigawa | Kumamoto

Birthdate: May 11, 1987

Height: 182 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 142 kg | 313 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #7 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 5-10

Sadanoumi's continued Maegashira career as a 37 year old would get a lot more attention if Tamawashi didn't have two-and-a-half years on him. He also won't continue being a Maegashira much longer if he keeps putting up 5-10 records. The veteran definitely knows how to contend in a match, so he isn't destined for Juryo too soon.

31 Maegashira #11 West Kagayaki

Kagayaki Taishi | 輝 大士

Takadagawa | Ishikawa

Birthdate: June 1, 1994

Height: 193 cm | 6' 4""

Weight: 156 kg | 344 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #16 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6

Kagayaki's 9-6 record in July means he has a cushion from a Juryo demotion in September. As always with Kagayaki, it's hard not to think he should be better with his size and abilities. But he is here and being a Maegashira is nothing to sneeze at.

32 Maegashira #12 East Bushozan

Bushozan Kotaro | 武将山 虎太郎

Fujishima | Ibaraki

Birthdate: December 6, 1995

Height: 171 cm | 5' 7""

Weight: 171 kg | 377 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #16 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Bushozan got his first winning record as a Maegashira in Nagoya. That's worth a shout, but he also still has a combined 20-40 record in Makuuchi.He is unlikely to repeat his winning record, but an okay losing record can keep him in Makuuchi.

33 Maegashira #12 West Kinbozan

Kinbozan Haruki | 金峰山 晴樹

Kise | Kazakhstan

Birthdate: June 24, 1997

Height: 192 cm | 6' 4""

Weight: 181 kg | 399 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #8 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 4-11

Kinbozan was rocked back in Nagoya, which could be a sign other rikishi have found a way to handle the Giant Kazakh. Of course, sometimes rikishi just get a little off. Kinbozan is huge, He just needs to find a way to be something more than very, very large to go back up the Banzuke.

34 Maegashira #13 East Hokutofuji

Hokutofuji Daiki | 北勝富士 大輝

Hakkaku | Saitama

Birthdate: July 15, 1992

Height: 184 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 158 kg | 348 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #13 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 6-9

Hokutofuji is 32, dealing with recurring injuries, and creeping closer and closer to a Juryo demotion. He is also a veteran with an absolute understanding of his brand of sumo. At the tachiai, he will put both hands under the other guy's chin and push hard. That could win some in lower Maegashira.

35 Maegashira #13 West Nishikigi

Nishikigi Tetsuya | 錦木 徹也

Isenoumi | Iwate

Birthdate: August 25, 1990

Height: 185 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 180 kg | 397 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #11 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 5-10

Nishikigi is sliding down the Banzuke after a career resurgence a little over a year ago. He is the same riksihi in many ways, getting right in on everybody and grabbing with both arms. The effectiveness of his sumo is what has changed the most.

36 Maegashira #14 East Ryuden

Ryuden Goshi | 竜電 剛至

Takadagawa | Yamanashi

Birthdate: November 10, 1990

Height: 188 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 155 kg | 342 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #8 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 3-12

Ryuden's 3-12 in Nagoya followed from a 10-5 at Natsu. That is kind of par for the course for Ryuden these days. He is awkward, getting slowly bent around an opponent, but that's not exactly what other sumotori want to have happen.

37 Maegashira #14 West Onokatsu

Onokatsu Kazuhiro | 阿武剋 一弘

Onomatsu | Mongolia

Birthdate: May 5, 2000

Height: 185 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 160 kg | 352 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Juryo #1 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 9-6

If you thought we were done for fast-rising University men who made Makushita Tsukedashi, here comes Onokatsu! He actually beat now-Onosato in his University days at Nippon Sport Science University and has a career 38-13 record. He is overwhelmingly a yorikiri man, and it has worked for him well enough to this point.

38 Maegashira #15 East Takayasu

Takayasu Akira | 高安 晃

Tagonoura | Ibaraki

Birthdate: February 28, 1990

Height: 188 cm | 6' 2""

Weight: 183 kg | 403 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #3 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 0-2-13

Once again, Takayasu succumbed to injury and pulled out of the basho early. He has returned from injury to be in the race for the Emperor's Cup before, but this is not going to be an infinite thing. He is 34 and has seemingly had every injury imaginable, but counting out the Ol' Bear seems foolish as well.

39 Maegashira #15 West Takarafuji

Takarafuji Daisuke | 宝富士 大輔

Isegahama | Aomori

Birthdate: February 18, 1987

Height: 186 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 171 kg | 377 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #13 West

Nagoya 2024 Record: 5-10

Takarafuji is back on the edge of a Juryo drop with a bad tournament. At 37, he has plenty of experience fighting for his Makuuchi career. Yet the solid, redoubtable veteran is also not getting any younger and may no longer able to keep up with younger rikishi.

40 Maegashira #16 East Shirokuma

Shirokuma Yuta | 白熊 優太

Nishonoseki | Fukushima

Birthdate: May 25, 1999

Height: 186 cm | 6' 1""

Weight: 166 kg | 366 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Juryo #8 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 12-3

Shirokuma is a University man who has rocketed to the top division, but he had to do it from the very bottom of Jonokuchi. He has three lower-level yusho, including a 12-3 to win the Juryo prize in Nagoya. If you want to play devil's advocate, he is already 25 and isn't overwhelmingly large. But that's a "what possible reasons might he not get to Sanyaku" kind of arguing.

41 Maegashira #16 West Kitanowaka

Kitanowaka Daisuke | 北の若 大輔

Hakkaku | Yamagata

Birthdate: November 12, 2000

Height: 190 cm | 6' 3""

Weight: 146 kg | 322 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Juryo #3 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 8-7

Kitanowaka just qualified back up to Makuuchi at a time when there weren't a whole lot of men deserving of the bottom Makuuchi ranks. His 8-7 from Juryo #3 was not exactly a way to show he is going to handle Makuuchi any better than before. But he is not yet 24 and has decent size and ability, Maybe this is when he puts it all together.

42 Maegashira #17 East Nishikifuji

Nishikifuji Ryusei | 錦富士 隆聖

Isegahama | Aomori

Birthdate: July 22, 1996

Height: 184 cm | 6' 0""

Weight: 149 kg | 328 lbs

Nagoya 2024 Rank: Maegashira #17 East

Nagoya 2024 Record: 6-9

Nishikifuji would have been demoted in many other basho, but there weren't a ton of promotable candidates and he was bad but not terrible. Nishikifuji fights like a man smaller than he is and he accordingly gets overwhelmed by rikishi who come right at him. If he isn't any better this time, he probably is getting sent down to the second division.

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